So, you're considering becoming a member of Cab Drivers Direct?

Let's break down why this might be a great move for owner drivers.

Key Benefits of Joining Cab Drivers Direct

Control Over Your Availability

One of the biggest challenges owner drivers face when operating independently is getting calls when they're off duty. With Cab Drivers Direct, you won't need to switch off your phone to avoid calls. The service ensures that customers can still find on-duty drivers when you're not working. This means you won't lose potential repeat customers due to missed calls, and you can enjoy your off time without worry.

Competitive Advertising

Advertising can be a major expense and effort for independent drivers. By joining Cab Drivers Direct, you pool resources with other drivers, allowing for more effective advertising against larger companies. This cooperative approach ensures better visibility and competitiveness in your area.

Cost-Effective Membership

At just £35 per week, Cab Drivers Direct offers a low-cost alternative to larger companies and ride-hailing apps that often charge high commissions. For example, with an annual turnover of £50,000, you could save over £8,000 a year compared to paying a 20% commission. This means more of your hard-earned money stays in your pocket.

Autonomy Over Your Business

Unlike ride-hailing apps that dictate pricing, Cab Drivers Direct allows you to run your business your way. Hackney drivers can charge by the meter, while PHV drivers can set their own prices within their licensing authorities rules. This flexibility ensures you're not working for peanuts and can maintain fair pricing.

Are you ready to take your independent driving career to the next level?

Click here to become a member of Cab Drivers Direct.


About Cab Drivers Direct

When you need a cab, why not support your local drivers directly? Cab Drivers Direct is the local cab driver search engine that makes it easy to find a driver working in your area. By using Cab Drivers Direct, you can avoid calling drivers who are not currently available, ensuring a quicker and more reliable service.


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